At both events, the Pauls did what they have done their entire careers. Rather than building the GOP up in their remarks, they came a whisker short of tearing it down, hammering GOP leaders past and present for waging unnecessary wars, trampling Americans’ liberties, and mortgaging their future with runaway spending driven by political expediency and corporate influence…
The relentless rounds of friendly fire beg the question: What are the Pauls up to? One theory often floated by Paul’s staunchest supporters is the idea of the Ron Paul nation going to the Republican convention in August and literally re-writing portions of the Republican platform to shape the party much more clearly in the libertarian mold that Paul embraces.
In an interview with CNN on Friday, Ron Paul agreed it’s something he’s considing. “It might be a way to promote the things I believe in, and that is a political action,” Paul said. “So yes, if we have something to say, who knows, maybe they might even have something in the platform that says maybe we ought to look at the Federal Reserve. Maybe we ought to reconsider not going to war unless there’s a declaration of war? That’s very popular with the American people.”
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