But here’s the thing: Charlie Sheen’s meltdown got more mentions on television news, magazines and newspapers in March than the War in Iraq over the course of March and April combined.
That’s a problem, people. It’s a sign of a society amusing itself to death. We would rather reward celebrity with our attention than pay heed to our brave men and women fighting and dying half a world away. It’s not intentionally callous, but it is escapist in its attempt to wave the world away.
P.T. Barnum might have enjoyed the spectacle of the televised Kardashian wedding, but even he might have been surprised by the lack of commitment in perpetrating the 72-day scam. This is a family that is famous for being famous, with notoriety goosed by the occasional well-placed sex scandal.
In contrast, a financial scandal involving trillions of taxpayer dollars was essentially ignored, despite its deep economic and political impact.
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