A conservative establishment divided against itself

It’s difficult to catalog all of the oddities. Hugely successful, powerful and rich conservatives are lambasting the establishment as if they are in no way part of it. Gingrich has gone from being too establishment to too anti-establishment faster than you can say “Freddie Mac.” And you can only wonder how befuddled Romney is given that he’s moved even further rightward since 2008.


Frankly, I can’t blame anyone for being underwhelmed by Romney, or begrudge anyone their frustration with the field. What’s harder to understand is how nobody has noticed that the conservative establishment, which includes many of my friends denouncing it, has become vastly more conservative over the last two decades. It’s more pro-life, more pro-2nd Amendment, more opposed to tax increases.

The political corpses of RINOs litter the roadside of this great migration. Rockefeller Republicans went out with 8-track tapes, leisure suits and Kevin Phillips. And yet, people talk about the conservative establishment like David Gergen is calling the shots.

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