“The Constitution is very clear and the moral responsibility is to defend the people of this country and to obey the law. That’s the moral imperative. The moral imperative isn’t to say somebody needs us and you can draft somebody else’s kids and take your money and go over there and say we’re going to make it a better place.”
He said the United States did something about the Holocaust in World War II because Germany declared war on us. But he said he wouldn’t use moral imperative to take action if Germany were not at war. “If there was a compulsion, if there was a public sentiment for it, believing that it was a threat to our national security, I wouldn’t be the decision maker. That’s the U.S. Congress,” he said.
He said he doesn’t think war would be necessary. “I think if people care, they should have the right to go over there and pick up a rifle, go send their money, do whatever they want but I don’t have the moral authority to compel you to go over and settle a dispute.”
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