Dentists to kids: Go nuts with the Halloween candy

There’s no reason to be spooked. Dentists aren’t hoping to make money on the inevitable windfall of rotting teeth. The fact is, if you’re going to eat candy, gorging is far better for your teeth than rationing.


Slowly snacking on Halloween candy every few hours, day after day, keeps your teeth bathed in enamel-corroding acid, the byproduct of bacteria feeding on sugar and other carbohydrates in your mouth. This leads to dental caries, or cavities.

For example, as far as oral hygiene goes, it is better to eat five candy bars at once than to eat one every few hours. In the first scenario, acid will build up in your mouth, but your saliva will naturally neutralize this over the course of an hour or so. And then that acid is gone. In the second scenario, you are constantly exposing your teeth to acid throughout the day, too much for saliva to wash away.

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