House GOP still grumbling about Bachmann

It is difficult to find Republicans willing to discuss her on the record. House leaders have kept their distance and rarely rewarded her with legislative responsibilities. Bachmann was recently criticized by other Republicans in a private meeting where members blamed her near-constant cycle of television appearances for undermining the House Republican message…


In April, two days after she dismissed a Republican effort to support a budget deal, frustration among her colleagues boiled over. At a private meeting of Republicans, New Jersey Rep. Jon Runyan, a former Philadelphia Eagles offensive tackle, issued a broad warning about how a showboat can divide a team — bringing up the notorious loudmouth wide receiver Terrell Owens. North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx called out Bachmann by name for undermining GOP aims.

When Bachmann answered the critique, she noted that she didn’t take Foxx’s charges personally.

“You should,” Foxx interrupted, according to a member at the meeting.

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