Top Hamas engineer captured by Israel spilling group's secrets

According to interrogation excerpts, cleared for publication Thursday by the Beersheba District Court following Ynet’s appeal, the Hamas engineer described the terror group as an orderly hierarchical organization that aims to learn from its mistakes and adapt to changing regional realities…


The engineer told interrogators that following Operation Cast Lead Gaza, top Hamas terrorist Mohammed Deif and the group’s military wing commander Ahmed Jabari found Hamas’ operations to be lacking and decided to make Abu Sisi in charge of establishing the organization’s new military academy…

The new academy was tasked with imparting combat methods and tactics to Hamas terrorists, Abu Sisi said. Hamas men were undertaking their studies at mosques, while passing their final exams in known Gaza universities or in mosques.

“The books and academic materials did not bear the Hamas name or logo,” he said. Instructors include university lecturers, education ministry officials, merchants and others.

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