Massachusetts Citizens for Life informed LifeNews earlier today it is holding a press conference tomorrow at the state capitol to announce that it is dropping off papers with the Massachusetts Attorney General for an Initiative Petition to repeal the individual mandate in Romneycare. MCFL president Anne Fox told LifeNews that the petition will “draw attention to the fact that Massachusetts, the prototype for Obamacare, is not happy with Romneycare.”…
“I think [the law] started with very good intentions. I thought I would pay a little extra in taxes and people who didn’t have insurance, my tax money would buy them insurance,” she said. “We now have the most expensive premiums, the longest wait for doctors.”
She told the newspaper the negative publicity surrounding Obamacare led MCFL to conclude that now may be a good time to strike at the heart of the 2006 law Romney signed, and which he has defended as a Republican presidential candidate.
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