Graphic photo: AQ's embassy bombing mastermind, killed in Somalia

Fazul was carrying “a South African passport in the name of Daniel Robinson” and was carrying more than $40,000 in cash, Sky News reported. “The passport, issued April 13, 2009, indicated that its bearer left South Africa for Tanzania on March 19 and was granted a visa there.”


An unnamed Shabaab leader told AFP that Fazul was killed.

“One of the men that was killed near Mogadishu was Fazul Abdullah, may Allah bless his soul. He is not dead as thousands like him are still in the fight against the enemy of Allah,” the Shabaab commander said…

A photograph of what appears to be Fazul’s corpse was published earlier this week. On June 8, Radio Mogadishu published a photograph of one of the two men killed in the clash at a checkpoint near Mogadishu, as well as pictures of the SUV and an AK-47 and body armor. Radio Mogadishu claimed the man shown in this image was that of “Abdurrahman Canadian,” but a Somali official told The Long War Journal that the man pictured is Fazul Abdullah Mohammed [see Threat Matrix report, Pictures of Al Qaeda leader Fazul Mohammed’s corpse, SUV, and weapon for more photos].

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