Freshman Republicans' new mentor: Joe Lieberman

Behind the scenes and in front of the cameras, the retiring foreign policy hawk is grooming, mentoring and partnering with a handful of GOP freshmen to ensure that, long after he’s left the Senate, his vision for America’s role abroad survives.


Reaching across the aisle is nothing new for Lieberman, who stood on the stage at the 2008 Republican National Convention and endorsed John McCain, making his choice of mentees — including Sens. Kelly Ayotte, Mark Kirk and Marco Rubio — a fresh reminder of how the former Democratic stalwart managed to find himself a near pariah among liberals…

“He claims to be a very moral and religious person, but he voted for unnecessary wars that killed thousands of people and opposed the public option that likely could have saved thousands upon millions of lives,” said Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which ran ads against Lieberman over his position on the public option. Green also helped lead the anti-war group’s efforts to defeat him during the 2006 election.

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