And at least on a comparative basis you should feel fine, because the recognition that you are receiving here today as graduates is accompanied by your acquisition of an ability to live a fruitful and fulfilling life; but, of course, the most relevant choices will be yours. We are living, also, in a time of other challenges; and some of you might be surprised if I did not make mention of the climate crisis. It is a challenge that in my opinion is the most serious challenge that our civilization has ever faced. And because we live here, most of us — I know this graduating class has students from not only in the United States, but from other countries around the world.
But for those of us who live here in the United States of America, I truly believe it is a challenge that is unprecedented. It is a struggle for the soul of America. And I say that because it is a test of our ability to distinguish between what is true and what is false. To determine, more accurately put, what is more likely to be true than not.
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