Meanwhile, in Libya: Benghazi gripped by fear

Whatever the truth, he’s not alone: There has been a spate of similar attacks in recent weeks. Benghazi has been flooded with refugees from front-line cities, and many have refused to open their homes to them, fearing that they might be Gadhafi spies.


The pervasive sense of unease is not without reason: There are now guns and heavy weapons all over the city, in the hands of nearly everyone. The weapons were given to rebels in Benghazi to fight against Gadhafi’s forces, but they are now also being used for other purposes. Unexplained shootings and explosions happen all the time; no one knows exactly who is shooting or why, but it can be heard everywhere…

But not anymore. The crackle of shooting and the thud of heavier weapons are now a constant in the city. Sometimes it’s celebratory, but other times it’s people settling scores, Pala says. In any case, he says it isn’t safe here. Often, in the middle of the night, he hears gunfights and has no idea what’s going on.

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