Poll: Support for repealing ObamaCare drops to new low

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters at least somewhat favor repeal of the law, while 42% are at least somewhat opposed. This includes 38% who Strongly Favor repeal and 33% who Strongly Oppose it. (To see survey question wording, click here.


Rasmussen Reports has tracked support for repeal every week since the bill became law. Prior to this week, support for repeal has ranged from a low of 50% to a high of 63%. A week ago, 53% of voters favored repeal of the measure. As with all such changes in tracking poll data, it will take additional data to determine whether this result reflects an ongoing change in attitudes or is simply the result of statistical “noise.”

Similarly, the number of voters who believe the health care law will be bad for the country has fallen to a new low of 45%, down seven points from a week ago.

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