Libyan-Americans heading overseas to join fight against Qaddafi

“I decided my birth country needs me today. … I’m an old man but I have energy to kick this dictator out,” Elfirjani, of Orland Park, Ill., told by phone from Libya, during a stop near the Egyptian border to pick up communications equipment for the rebel fighters. “My heart is still young … 25 years old.”


Elfirjani is one of an unknown number of Libyan-Americans who have journeyed home to join the fight against Gadhafi. While some have taken up weapons, others are helping in the humanitarian effort, working to create a transitional government or shuttling supplies to the rebels on the frontlines. Their participation comes with a risk: At least one Libyan-American man has been killed in the fighting…

It’s not just Libyan-Americans who are joining the effort to oust Gadhafi: A number of British-Libyans have also gone to the front, said Hassan Al-Amin, editor of online news website Libya Almostakbal, who is originally from Misrata.

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