CIA psychologists wonder: How crazy could Qaddafi get?

“We know he is unstable,” former deputy Libyan ambassador to the U.N. Ibrahim Dabbashi told ABC News. “I think he will kill as much as he can and he will destroy as much as he can.”


Gadhafi has also become suspicious of his infamous 40-strong all-female bodyguard contingent in the last couple weeks, Libyan diplomats said, before a popular uprising threatened his 42-year reign in the North African nation…

Potentially adding to Gadhafis’ woes is an unconfirmed report from an official in the Libyan U.N. mission that one of Gadhafi’s son’s, Khamis Gadhafi, perished Monday. The official told ABC News that Khamis, who according to leaked State Department documents was the head of an elite military unit charged with protecting the regime, died from severe burns after being injured in a kamikaze attack by a disaffected Libyan pilot on the central command and control headquarters of the Gadhafi family.

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