Change: Some Democrats starting to split over Social Security

Messrs. Warner, Conrad and Durbin are weighing changes such as raising the retirement age to 69 by 2075, increasing taxes for wealthy workers paying into the program and trimming benefits for certain groups. They have insisted benefit cuts from Social Security wouldn’t be used to reduce the government’s broader deficit—a position Republicans agree with—but they have kept many details of their plans confidential.


“If we can’t grapple with [Social Security, Medicare and other entitlements], we’re whistling past the grave,” Mr. Warner told executives at a town-hall meeting in Richmond, Va., earlier this month.

The Gang of Six has picked up some support among Democrats. Sen. Bill Nelson (D., Fla.) has signaled that “he’d give fair consideration” to some changes in Social Security “as long as there are no harsh cuts,” a spokesman for Mr. Nelson said.

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