Inevitable: Egyptian opposition starting to fracture

After activists met Sunday with two generals on the council that is now running the country, Mr. Ghonim said on his Facebook page, “I trust in the Egyptian army.” Others at the meeting said they needed more evidence of the military’s commitment to democracy.


Three Facebook pages devoted to trashing Mr. Ghonim have gone online in the past few days. They have titles such as “Ghonim Traitor,” and already have over 40,000 members…

After protesters of all stripes achieved perhaps the one goal that united them—the ouster of President Mubarak—grudges and rumor have joined substantive debates. Some youth followers of opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei have split amid disagreements over, among other things, how deferential to be to the military, and who has a right to claim a role in toppling Mr. Mubarak…

Several activists said they have been infuriated by reports that Mr. Ghonim is among those who, some activists say, are in talks to form a party with Hossam Badrawy. Mr. Badrawy was named to head the former ruling National Democratic Party midway through the 18-day uprising and then abruptly resigned after Mr. Mubarak failed to step down when expected.

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