2. The European Union should worry.
Trapped in its own economic downturn and becoming more wary of foreign workers (e.g., the death of multikulti in Germany), the EU remains the great release valve for North Africa. By being less welcoming, Europe merely condemns North Africa to more tumult like what we’ve seen this past week, which in turn creates even more of an emigration push from the region. “Children of Men” Europe should know better: it isn’t cranking enough babies to be so stand-oafish.
3. China should worry.
This week’s summit aside, there’s simply the lesson of the masses who revolt over there not being enough jobs. China, by all estimates, needs to create 25 million new ones — a year! — to process the inflow of college graduates and others seeking labor. Then there’s China’s deserved reputation for its overseas investments: Beijing signs a deal for some big construction gig and then imports all the workers from China — only to strand them there once construction is over! Over time, regimes are coming to the conclusion that China is more problem than solution on the jobs front. So am I, on others.
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