Beck disagrees with Palin on Wikileaks?

Sure, Beck also criticized people like Attorney General Eric Holder, and senators on both sides of the political aisle, but certainly no name will raise more eyebrows than Palin, and Beck even singled out her remark that the United States should pursue Julian Assange like it would al-Qaeda leaders.


Beck’s overall point: such statements demonstrate a lack of “thinking out of the box” that’s necessary in a changed world. But the fact that he’d use Palin as an example to make that point is just another example of why Beck is so good at what he does. Palin’s probably about the last person most would expect him to criticize, but here he is doing it…and here we are talking about it. And of course, if there’s one thing Beck knows how to do, it’s get people talking. Video of the clip, via Fox News, below.

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