Both the GOP leadership and the major conservative outlets enthusiastically support Marco Rubio in Florida, Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania, Sharron Angle in Nevada (after some initial concerns) and Joe Miller in Alaska. Even supreme RINO John McCain won not by vilifying the tea parties but by claiming to join them, an approach more sincerely and successfully followed by other GOP candidates across the country…
The most interesting part of all this is that many pro-tea party types on the right mistook this for a civil war too. They are itching to sweep Washington clean, and they will brook no opposition. Indeed, what’s remarkable is that there haven’t been more Delaware-style brawls.
Regardless, the tea party gale has now swept through the GOP. The establishment’s sails are all pointed in the same direction, and all that stands between the tea parties and victory in November are the Democrats, with no chance for a Republican civil war to save them.
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