Perhaps these Republicans don’t realize that some of their tax-cut proposals are as “Keynesian” as Obama’s program. There’s a fierce dispute about how best to respond to the economic crisis — Tax cuts? Deficit spending? Monetary intervention? — but the argument is largely premised on the Keynesian view that government should somehow boost demand in a recession.
Or perhaps, more ominously, these Republicans know exactly what they are saying when they reject Keynesian intervention: that the government should do nothing to help the millions out of work or to rebuild confidence in the economy…
With so much of Keynesian theory universally embraced, Republican denunciation of him has a flat-earth feel to it. Will they next demand the abolition of NASA because it’s “Galileo on steroids?” Shut down the National Institutes of Health for being a “Hippocratic mistake?” Strip funding for those “Einsteinian experiments” at Los Alamos? Demand a halt to public schools teaching from the “failed Darwinian playbook?” (Oh, wait. They did that last part already.)
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