Hitchens: I'd do it all over again

“All the time, I’ve felt that life is a wager and that I probably was getting more out of leading a bohemian existence as a writer than I would have if I didn’t,” said Hitchens. “Writing is what’s important to me and anything that helps me do that — or enhances and prolongs and deepens and sometimes intensifies argument and conversation — is worth it to me. So I was knowingly taking a risk.”


Still, Hitchens said, “I wouldn’t recommend it to others.”

“You would do it again?” asked Rose.

“Yeah, I think I would” said Hitchens. “I’ve had to reflect on this, of course, a lot recently and trying to imagine my life different and not ending up mortally sick, but it’s impossible for me to imagine having my life without going to those parties, without having those late nights, without that second bottle. … I wouldn’t cut any of that out, no.”

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