Viewer commentary after the first two shows that flooded message boards, Twitter, and Facebook, has been similarly negative. “I’ll have to find something else to watch on Sunday morning. I can’t stand to listen to the new host. I also want to know what happened to the ‘round table,’” wrote mlw777888 in the comment section on the show’s webpage. “The table that they have now is as lopsided as the opinions.”
Jdbradley123 on the same site pined for Jake Tapper’s return. “Amanpour is unwatchable and so is the show now. George Will looked like he could not wait to get out of there. Jake Tapper was doing a good job and now we get stuck with this? Amanpour can not be even remotely objective as she was fawning over everything Krugman was saying.”…
Responses like these must be disappointing to Bob Iger, president and CEO of ABC parent company Walt Disney, and his wife Willow Bay, who were reportedly the drivers behind Amanpour’s hiring. Changes to the show include a new theme song (courtesy of Katie Couric’s ex-boyfriend Chris Botti), new set design (including a new “round table” which, amusingly, is no longer round) and a new show open. These upgrades come at a time when ABC has just completed one of the most substantial layoffs in network history, firing nearly a quarter of the network’s staff.
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