I didn't like Glenn Beck's book, which I stopped reading after page 10

The answer lies in the (early) summer’s other blockbuster book, a thriller called The Overton Window, which comes with the requisite dramatic blue cover, blurb by Brad Thor (“The Last Patriot”), and star treatment for the author’s name: a guy named Glenn Beck. The funny thing is, The Overton Window and The Road to Serfdom actually tell the same story, and in more ways than one…


Too bad there’s very little that’s intriguing about Beck’s political intrigue. Sure, there’s a murder in the prologue—the charmingly old-school style that takes place at a pay phone, which everyone knows exists now only in books with secret political conspiracies. But I stopped reading at page 10, where the protagonist’s first encounter with the girl of his dreams was “punctuated by the thunk of his Tootsie Roll into the metal tray of the candy machine.” Really, Glenn, a Tootsie Roll? What the Hayek were you thinking?

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