I don't hate Muslims, but why do we need a mosque at Ground Zero?

Are there Muslims who don’t support this jihad? OF COURSE. And it is a travesty that these terrorists act in their name. But that does not mean that these terrorists acts are not tied to Islam. Ultimately they are, they are, they are, and saying so doesn’t mean that I hate Muslims who live peacefully and don’t want to see me dead. It is a fact that Islam is inextricably tied to the murder of 3000 people in this one attack, and to many more dead in others.


And that is why a mosque at Ground Zero is just unacceptable. It is one thing to celebrate and worship Islam 20 blocks away in either direction. It’s another to have it at the site where the slaughter of innocents took place in the name of Islam. It isn’t a sign of openness and understanding to put a mosque in this location. It is a prize to those who hate us, it is a monument to the side that won the battle that day.

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