Your "populism" is killing the economy, champ

A venture capitalist recently remarked to me that the uncertainty the administration has created is “nothing short of paralyzing.” Nobody will invest in an industry that might be the next to be overtaxed, overregulated, or publicly disemboweled.


Add to that uncertainty the administration’s new populist bent, and it’s a recipe for a continued capital freeze. “People in the economy are thinking about whether to invest or take risks when what they are seeing are early signs of Hugo Chávez economics,” says Wisconsin GOP Rep. Paul Ryan. With the White House’s political fortunes fundamentally tied to economic recovery, this populist fire is an act of self-immolation…

Policy-wise, too, the administration is boxing itself in. In keeping with the populist swerve, a feisty Mr. Obama this week upped the ante on financial regulation, warning Congress he’d veto anything less than “real reform.” Yet it is precisely a stick-it-to-them bill that will have the most trouble passing a frayed Congress in an election year. And heaven help the administration if there is another financial meltdown, one that truly poses systemic risk. Could this White House dare write another bailout check to “Wall Street”?

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