Free marketer: The reinvention of Sarah Palin

When Palin returned to Alaska after election day, she discovered that she couldn’t return to her previous identity. She was still Sarah the veep. Without Democratic support, she had no chance of moving additional reforms through the Legislature. Palin’s opponents in Alaska and in the Lower 48 filed a series of frivolous ethics complaints against her. Every time she left her state, the Democrats attacked and drove up her negative ratings. In response, Palin resigned from office…


As Sarah the celebrity, Palin can reintroduce herself to the American people on her own terms. In the process, she will make a lot of money. Yet celebrity isn’t qualification enough for high office. Fame draws eyeballs, but it doesn’t get you votes. If Palin wants to run for the presidency, she also needs to be sure that the public knows her principles.

That’s where Sarah the free marketer enters the picture. Palin grasps that the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress are attempting to renegotiate the American social contract. She understands that the Democrats want to increase the role that government plays in the economy and our daily lives.

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