A phony war: Obama vs. Fox News

What exactly makes up the much overhyped White House war on FNC, exactly? A bunch or rhetoric from some White House officials and a handful of rebuffed attempts by Fox News Sunday to get Administration officials on the air. That’s really not much of a war if you really think about how the White House is talking. It’s using terms like “FNC isn’t a real news network”. Ok, setting aside for the moment the validity of that statement, let’s take it at face value and say that FNC isn’t a real news network. Ok, then why hasn’t the other shoe dropped? The other shoe, in this case would be the press credentials for FNC reporters who cover Washington. No point in allowing the crampt spaces in the White House briefing room and the various other cabinet press offices, with people who don’t work for a real news network, is there?…


The problem here isn’t as much about rhetoric as it is about proportionality. It’s escalated out of control beyond the realm of the believable. It’s put the White House in an untenable position: it either has to keep ratcheting up the rhetoric or start walking the walk with real concrete actions. And since the White House has already stated that Obama would appear in “the future”, they’ve already shut the door on that option.

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