Poll: Without public option, Democrats' support for ObamaCare collapses

Just 34% of voters nationwide support the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats if the so-called “public option” is removed. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 57% oppose the plan if it doesn’t include a government-run health insurance plan to compete with private insurers…


Without the public option, just 50% of Democrats support the legislation. That’s down from 69% support measured a week ago. But here the enthusiasm gap is especially strong. A week ago, polling found that 44% of Democrats Strongly favored the reform plan. Without the public option, just 12% of Democrats Strongly support it.

Minus the government insurance option, 68% of Republicans remain opposed to the plan, down from 79%.

As for those not affiliated with either major party, 70% are opposed if the public option is dropped. That’s up from 62% in the previous survey.

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