Coleman vs. Franken, round three: Coming soon to a courthouse near you

“I’m expecting somebody to be filing a motion in court by the end of day tomorrow,” says David Schultz, a political science and law professor at Hamline University. Schultz figures the losing side, whether the Democrats or Republicans, will immediately seek a temporary restraining order or injunction barring the decision from being implemented.


The only real question, he believes, is whether the jilted campaign will turn to federal or state courts for relief. The Franken campaign already has a case pending in Ramsey County District Court related to the rejected absentee ballots, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only possible venue for litigation. “Clearly the Franken campaign has done a really good job raising both federal and state claims, giving it options to go to either or both of the court systems at the same time,” Schultz says.

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