Of course race mattered

This has not been a mere matter of supporting Obama because he’s “a brother.” Rather, I firmly believe that with Obama in the White House, people insisting that America is all about racism will have to rethink their message. Joe Six-Packs were in diners telling reporters they wouldn’t vote for a black man? Well, there will be a black man riding in Air Force One. Like the Wicked Witch of the West, those yokels “have no power here” – Obama does.


Over the next few years, our professional Cassandras will be tying themselves in knots trying to get across their old message in an America where the President we see on our laptops year-round is black. This is absolutely crucial, because the aggrieved obsession among our thinking class with “racism” wastes mental and spiritual energy that would otherwise be devoted to forging effective solutions to the problems Black America faces.

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