Pakistan's next president: A Category 5 disaster

Mr. Zardari is a caricature of everything that’s morally bankrupt with the country’s Westernized elite, and thus an inviting propaganda target for al Qaeda and the Taliban. It doesn’t help, either, that they are working fertile political soil: 71% of Pakistanis oppose cooperating with the U.S. in counterterrorism, and 51% oppose fighting the Taliban at all, according to a June poll.


Al Qaeda and the Taliban feed on chaos, and a Zardari presidency will almost certainly provide more of it. For Pakistanis, this is a self-inflicted wound and a rebuke to their democracy. For the rest of world, it’s a matter of hoping that Pakistan will somehow muddle through. For now, however, this looks like a Category 5 hurricane, dark and vast and visible just offshore.

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