Rainy poll parade: Obama, ObamaCare sink to new lows

Let’s begin with the “good” news for O, which comes in the form of a new CBS/NYT poll.  Rebound?

President Obama’s approval ratings, which hit his all-time low last month, have returned to where they were before the rollout of the health care law’s enrollment process, but Americans still lack confidence in the White House’s management of the Affordable Care Act, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. The public’s opinion of the law itself has improved after repairs to the enrollment website. According to the poll, 42 percent of Americans now approve of Mr. Obama’s overall performance, and 50 percent disapprove. That is not exactly good news for the president, but is better than his numbers in mid-November, after he admitted he had fumbled the rollout of the health care law’s website. Then, just 37 percent approved and 57 percent disapproved in a CBS News poll.


Fresh numbers from USA Today and Pew also show Obama’s job approval stabilizing, but the same survey shows public support for Obamacare dropping to a new nadir.  Pay close attention to the last bolded sentence:

A year-end USA TODAY/Pew Research Center Poll chronicles what a drag the Affordable Care Act has become on Obama’s reputation, helping to drive down his standing as a trustworthy leader and one who can get things done to the lowest levels of his presidency. Disapproval of the health care law hits a new high. The slide in Obama’s overall job approval rating in the past five Pew polls has been stemmed, now at 45% approve-49% disapprove — not great, to be sure, but better than before…In the poll, 54% disapprove of the health care law, 41% approve — the worst rating for the Affordable Care Act since it was enacted three and a half years ago. Some of the key groups that supporters hoped would rally behind the law aren’t doing so, at least not yet. Forty-five percent of those without insurance approve of the law. Among those with incomes under $30,000 a year, the group most likely to qualify for federal subsidies, 43% approve. Forty-one percent of those under 30 and 44% of women approve. What’s more, Americans are inclined to view the problems the law has faced this fall as long-term problems that show fundamental flaws (50%) rather than short-term problems that can be resolved (44%).

And now, onto all the other data points, starting with Allahpundit’s write-up of Quinnipiac’s “blood bath” numbers from yesterday:


President Barack Obama’s job approval among American voters drops to a new low, a negative 38 – 57 percent, as the outlook for Democrats running for Congress and the U.S. Senate fades also, according to a national poll released today. He even gets a negative 41 – 49 percent among voters 18 to 29 years old and a lackluster 50 – 43 percent approval among Hispanic voters…American voters say 41 – 38 percent that they would vote for a Republican over a Democrat for the U.S. House of Representatives, the first time this year the Democrats come up on the short end of this generic ballot.


President Barack Obama gets little credit from the public for economic progress under his watch as his job approval has plummeted to a new low of 42 percent in the Bloomberg National Poll. Americans by 50 percent to 45 percent say improvements in the unemployment rate would have happened regardless of anything the Obama administration has done.  The botched debut of the healthcare.gov website is raising doubts about Obama’s signature legislative achievement. Sixty percent of Americans disapprove of Obama’s handling of health care, up from 54 percent in September. That includes almost a quarter of Democrats and two-thirds of political independents.

Associated Press:

Americans’ perceptions of President Barack Obama are falling not only on his handling of the economy and other big issues, but also on more personal qualities such as honesty, a poll finds. A clear majority of adults, 56 percent, say “honest” does not describe Obama well, according to The Associated Press-GfK poll…As for Obama’s overall approval rating, 58 percent disapprove of the job he’s doing, while 42 percent approve. Disapproval of his handling of several specific issues hovers around 60 percent. They include the economy, federal budget deficit and unemployment.



Obama’s disapproval rating climbed to 53 percent – the worst in 29 polls since he took office in January 2009 – while 43 percent approved of his job performance. The disapproval number was up sharply from the 47 percent reading in September and tops the previous high of 52 percent in September 2011…Obama’s personal ratings were also down. By 52 percent to 46 percent, people had an unfavorable impression of him, the first time since November 2011 the negative number was higher. The unfavorable number was also the worst he’s endured.


A year that began with President Barack Obama riding high after his re-election victory is ending with him in the biggest hole of his presidency. A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that more Americans disapprove of the president’s job performance than ever before; half say they’re either disappointed or dissatisfied with his presidency and 54 percent believe he’s facing a long-term setback…Perhaps more significantly, Obama has seen a drop in key presidential attributes. Just 28 percent give the president high grades for being able to achieve his goals (down 16 points from January); only 37 percent give him high marks for being honest and straightforward (down 5 points from June); and 44 percent give him high marks for being able to handle a crisis (down another 5 points since June)…Indeed, for the first time in the poll, a majority now views the health law as a bad idea instead of a good one.

That last bit indicates just how friendly this particular polling series has been to Obama.  Obamacare’s 34/50 rating in this survey is less terrible than other polls have shown, yet it’s still 16 points underwater.  Merry Christmas, Mr. President.


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