Kamala Harris' Closing Pitch To Blacks She's Losing To Trump - How About Some Free Cash And Dope?

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Kamala Harris is desperate. There's really no other way to describe how the campaign is acting this close to Election Day. Tomorrow, Harris has agreed to sit down with Bret Baier on Fox News. This could be an interview for the ages. What once was billed as the campaign of joy has now turned to one of fear and alarm. Harris rallies these days are full of what will happen to democracy if/when Trump wins again. 

It's the American equivalent of Boris Yeltsin going to the discoteque to party with young Russian voters and reach them at their level, but at the same time warning them that whatever freedoms they're enjoying post-Soviet Union would be over if they don't re-elect him. The strategy worked, short-term, as Yeltsin won his contest in 1996. Long term, however, Yeltsin was too ill to complete his second term and resigned, handing over the reins to a little known former KGB colonel named Putin in 1999. 

During her rally Monday night in Erie, Pennsylvania, Harris had lots of dire warnings to throw around.

This is the textbook definition of political projection - project upon your opponents exactly what you are doing. 

The only place inside the United States Donald Trump might deploy the military is to close the border once and for all until the rest of the wall gets built. The rest of this is Grade A gaslighting. 

So why? Why all the desperation down the stretch? The latest memo released out of the Trump camp by Susie Wiles, Chris LaCivita, and pollster Tony Fabrizio might be a pretty good reason.

So, when you examine the shifts in state-level public polling averages, we see evidence that our strategy is working. And when you take a deeper dive into the data and compare the 2020 Exit Polls to our current internal Battleground State data, you see why Kamala is having such a hard time gaining ground: 

• President Trump is currently running 13 points ahead of where he finished in 2020 among Independents (According to 2020 Exits in the Battleground States, we lost them by 8, now he is leading by 5). 
• President Trump is currently running 20 points ahead of where he finished in 2020 among Blacks (According to 2020 Exits in the Battleground States, we lost them by 81, and now he is trailing by 61). 
• President Trump is currently running 32 points ahead of where he finished in 2020 among Hispanics (According to 2020 Exits in the Battleground States, we lost them by 25, and now he is leading by 7). 
• President Trump is currently running 11 points ahead of where he finished in 2020 among Voters 18-44 years old (According to 2020 Exits in the Battleground States, we lost them by 15, and now he is trailing by 4).

Granted, this polling data is from internal surveys, so take it with the appropriate grain of salt. That said, there's been plenty of other public data out there showing that Kamala Harris is underperforming where Joe Biden was just four years ago across virtually every demographic subgroup Democrats need to dominate in order to win. 

Let's look at the historical and current trends of Black voters. According to Fabrizio and Team Trump, the former President hasn't just chipped away at a huge deficit that helped defeat him in 2020, he has improved his standing by 25%. That's a big jump. Now if one wants to dismiss that as internal wishcasting, I remind you what Barack Obama told campaign support staff in Pennsylvania last week. 


It's not just Republicans recognizing Harris' weakness with Black voters compared to Joe Biden. Barack Obama knows there's big trouble ahead, and chastised those who came out to see him. 

Harry Enten, CNN's senior political analyst, sees the same decay in support for Harris. 

Kamala sat down this week with Roland Martin for a podcast and commenced fearmongering almost immediately. 

Of course, what she is claiming is untrue. Even left-leaning fact-checker PolitiFact looked at the claim in March of 2021 and said it was mostly false

The only kernel of truth is that the law has a sentence which allows poll workers to make available "self-service water from an unattended receptacle to an elector waiting in line to vote." But just because poll workers can make self-service water available, doesn’t mean they are required to come up with a way to make water accessible to voters in every line at every polling site. Also, people could hand out water or food to voters outside the 150-foot and 25-foot boundaries. 

We rate this statement Mostly False.

Yet Kamala has a narrative she must hold onto with a death grip, and that includes repeating a lie she knows is a lie, trying to scare Black voters into supporting her. 

Kamala is a radical, but yet in some ways, especially on tactics, she's a classic liberal. If she sees a problem, propose to throw money at it. That's what she did yesterday, hastily coming up with a plan of action that Democratic Group Think is absolutely certain will seal the deal with Black voters with which the party previously could count on without question. The plan? Throw free money at Blacks and make pot easier to obtain. 


You literally couldn't make this up if you were writing the book of How Not To Run A Campaign. The Democratic nominee for president in the Year of our Lord 2024 begins and ends her plan of opportunity with forgivable loans and legalizing weed. It's the Alpha and Omega for how the Democratic party looks at this minority group. I understand Kamala Harris likes to portray herself as being gifted in the culinary arts, but running a closing message with African-Americans to 'Get Baked With Kamala' seems to me a tad bit playing into racial stereotypes. 

And speaking of baked...

Unlike Bill Clinton, I'm convinced Kamala inhaled. It would not surprise me if she inhaled right before this interview. Take George H.W. Bush's 'Thousand Points of Light' speech and paraphrase it while stoned to the bejesus-belt, and this is what would come out. 

A funny side note about the Caddyshack reference. In 2003, a sports editor for the Roswell, New Mexico Daily Record named Gregory Jones was fired after plagiarizing stuff in a column, including the famous Carl Spangler bit from Caddyshack talking about his new hybrid sensemilia grass. Back then, plagiarizing was still a thing. It remains to be seen if Kamala 'Wikipedia' Harris will suffer the same fate of other famous politicians caught using words that were not their own.

I leave you today with the sage political analysis of Joy Reid last night on MSNBC. Even she knows Kamala had a rough week last week, and that all of the polling is moving in Donald Trump's direction. Of course, none of that is the fault of Kamala herself for being a ridiculously awful candidate with a worse running mate. No, the fault lies not only with white guys, but pockets of Black and brown guys as well. Basically, Joy contends, as women like Kamala become more independent and rise to power, men of all colors resort to their inner Hitler. 


Yes, it's just this kind of hot take that suggests to me the Democratic Party's trip to the political wilderness beginning in January could be a lengthy stay. Americans just are not buying what the Democrats are selling in this cycle. 

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