Things Going Bad Enough For Kamala Harris, She's Now Pandering For God Votes

AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

Let me start at the outset, I'm very happy Kamala Harris set foot in Bishop Rosie S. O'Neal's Koinonia Christian Center on Sunday. I'm happy when anyone goes to church, provided it's a church that believes the Bible is the inspired Word of God, revealing He is who He says He is. I hope after the election is over and she goes back to California to figure out what the next chapter is for her life after politics, she spends a lot more Sundays in the seats instead of in the pulpit speaking. 

The Vice President capstoned a day of atonement for the Democratic Party as she attempted to make inroads to win back Evangelical voters, though primarily those of Black congregants. Former President Bill Clinton did the same thing in Georgia. It seems Team Kamala is having a hard time of it trying to convince African-Americans to vote for them in the same concentration as in previous cycles during the other six days of the week, so they felt the need to add Sunday into the mix. 

In Kamala's case, she did take her place behind the pulpit, where there was no teleprompter nearby, and uncorked another word salad for the ages. 

I won't even try to pretend to know what she's talking about. To paraphrase Donald Trump at his debate with Joe Biden, I'm not sure she knows what she's talking about. 

But since Kamala Harris was in church, trying to resonate with Christian congregants there to worship their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I'm tempted to pull out a little Jeremiah 1:5 on her.

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.

That certainly puts abortion up to the point of delivery in a different perspective, doesn't it? I don't think God's intimate knowledge of every human being before conception takes a back seat to the wishes of the mother and her doctor, much less Kamala Harris trying to codify Roe V. Wade through national legislation. 

If I were in the pews in North Carolina and wanted to be mischievous, I might even throw out a little Numbers 24:9.

Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.

Blessed also means happy. Cursed means denounced. So whoever makes Israel happy, God will make happy. Withholding weapons from Israel and providing cash to an enemy hellbent on destroying them doesn't make Israel, or God, very happy. 

Whoever denounces Israel, God will denounce them, too. How many times this cycle alone has Kamala Harris denounced Israel's actions as a qualifier while claiming they have a right to defend themselves? Almost too many times to count. 

But since we're reacting to the news of Kamala going to church three weeks out [corrected] from the presidential election not to find God, but votes from God's people, in light of the pablum she uttered from the pulpit, might I suggest Matthew 6:7-8?

And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be like them.

Meanwhile, her number two, Tim Walz, was back in Minnesota trying to keep the only state Ronald Reagan didn't win in 1984 from slipping away. How? By showing in real life that Elmer Fudd was more proficient with a shotgun than he is. 

If the Warner Brothers short Wabbit Season V. Duck Season were ever to make it to the big screen as a live action feature, even though there's a physical resemblance, Walz couldn't make it in the role of Elmer Fudd, because at some point, he has to be able to fire the dumb thing for comedic timing. I'm not sure Walz ever did get a cartridge in the chamber. 

Walz also made a second appearance on Fox News Sunday with Shannon Bream. The biggest takeaway? Walz' answer on whether he supports limits on freedom of speech. 

The man running for vice president is trying to win the argument over free speech by defending the movement of material in public school libraries to areas where the content is age appropriate. He doesn't want that. He's holding onto the false narrative of book bannings, when the books he's defending show graphically illustrated sexual relations occurring, whether it be gay or straight. He wants very young kids to have access to that. That's not freedom of speech. That's contributing to the delinquency of a minor, which at least used to be a felony. Even Hogwarts had a restricted section in their library for material deemed unsuitable for first years.

There was also, just for kicks, an appearance by Governor Elmer's wife, Gwen over the weekend. 


And regime media has reliably informed us that Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are weird. Speaking of, the former and future president was in California for a rally in the Inland Empire community of Coachella for a rally. It was absolutely packed. Trump's strategy taking shape is to do rallies in traditional blue states in order to chip away at the net vote margins Harris will take. This is a play to help support Congressional candidates in tight races, but also a play for Trump win the popular vote as well as the Electoral College. He just might do it, too, because he rolled up the support of a third union in a week. This time, the Border Patrol Union weighed in.

Trump also appeared in Arizona, and has an exhaustive schedule all the way to Election Day. His number two, J.D. Vance, continues to get better and better with the hits he's offered on regime media. 

Vance released a video of him sitting down with New York Times' reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro. She tried to set up a false premise about the housing crisis being the fault of not enough housing being built. When Vance mentioned that fact that there's 25 million people here illegally vying for that finite amount of housing, she tried to reestablish her premise. Vance just methodically and systematically destroyed her argument. 

In Republican candidate school for all future GOP contenders for any national office, Vance's interviews with hostile media should be studied and practiced until it becomes second nature. Vance's tone, reasoning, and delivery is absolutely perfect here. 

He followed it up with The clip of the weekend. Martha Raddatz, the tired warhorse of the trio of ABC hosts of This Week, George Stephanopoulos and Jonathan Karl being the other two, tried her hand at gotcha journalism by attempting to make J.D. answer for a claim Donald Trump has made about Venezuelan gangs in the country illegally taking over Aurora, Colorado. This will be the greatest clip you'll see today, most likely.


Raddatz' defense to Vance's counterargument is that there's been "only a handful" of apartment complexes taken over by Venezuelan gangs. Vance crushed this opening she gave him, but it begs the question. What is the acceptable number of apartment complexes taken over by armed Venezuelan gang bangers here illegally? In case Raddatz is still fumbling for an answer, the correct answer should be 0. 

ABC News followed up the interview with this incredulous headline. 

It's almost as if the ABC print reporters have joined the rest of the country in not watching their own Sunday show. 

So where do things stand with only a fortnight to go? Well, even with Kamala's Hail Mary Sunday, it's looking more and more like Donald Trump is going to win this thing, for lots of reasons. But chiefly among them is this nugget from Gallup, reported on CNN by polling analyst Harry Enten. 

Gallup has had the party ID number between R+1 and R+3 for the last couple months. That's at least 6 points to the right of where the electorate was in 2020. And as I have several times before, I will remind you that the baseline of 2020 featured a Joe Biden 4.5% popular vote win, but an Electoral College vote margin that was eked out by a total of 43,000 votes between Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona. If the electorate is R+Anything this November, there is statistically a near zero chance Kamala Harris will win the presidency. 


As of Sunday night in Real Clear Politics' average, Kamala Harris was still leading the national vote by 1.7%. A week ago, that number was 2.3%. If the 1.7 number is in the ballpark of where the final margin comes in, Trump has somewhere around a 72% chance of winning the Electoral College with at least 281. 

Again, as of Sunday night, RCP's Electoral College map, with leaning swing states tossed in, shows Donald Trump ahead in six of the seven toss-ups. Just in the last week alone, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada moved from Harris to the Trump side. Their new projected number? Trump takes 302 Electoral Votes. Going back to the graph above, 306 EV's translates to a R+1 field, which is where Gallup thinks it is right now. The RCP map sure supports that, doesn't it? 

I mentioned Trump leading in six of the seven swing states. The only one that hasn't yet flipped is Wisconsin. RCP has nine different surveys they've compiled to make up the current Harris +0.3% number. The oldest poll in their average, a Marquette survey mid-to-late September, has Harris +4. Of the 8 more recent polls out of the Badger State, two show Trump up by two, two show Harris up by two, cancelling all four out, three show a tie, and one shows Trump up one. That means one more poll showing Trump ahead this week and Wisconsin flips to red in RCP's average. 

The biggest reason why Trump's going to win this election is that the Democrats have put their electoral eggs into two baskets - abortion and Trump Derangement Syndrome. Abortion is just not penetrating with the American voter, certainly at least not above the issues of inflation and the economy, immigration, crime, and the world falling apart in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. And for the voter for which abortion is the single biggest issue, those votes were already Harris voters anyway. She doesn't add one person to her potential voters base she didn't already have with that issue, especially after states have begun deciding the issue for themselves to the satisfaction of their own individual electorates. 

As for the 'Not Trump' plank of the platform, that motivation was very real and very persuasive for Americans that voted for Joe Biden. Plenty of conversations have been had, and will still rage on, not just about whether there was voter fraud in 2020, but about how much of it there was. That's irrelevant to me for the sake of the point I'm making with the data in these current polls. 

In 2020, Donald Trump generated almost 74.5 million votes for him. It would have been an all-time record, were it not for Joe Biden's 81 million votes that hatred of Donald Trump also generated. What fed that? 

The net difference between Donald Trump's approval/disapproval numbers, compared to Joe Biden's, was staggering. Joe Biden went into Election Day 18.2% more popular than Donald Trump. By comparison, again up to Sunday night, Kamala Harris is ahead of Donald Trump in the same favorability index, but only by 7.4%. That means Donald Trump is 10.8% better off in favorability than he was four years ago. He is 6.2% better off than he was in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, which of course, was a winning campaign for the White House. 

In short, the engine that propels the anti-Trump voter turnout simply is not as strong of an engine. What was a Ford Motors Coyote V8 5.0 liter four years ago, the best small block V8 Detroit has ever produced, has now been replaced for this cycle by a Hyundai Kia 2.0 liter four-cylinder job, which have had quite the time with recalls and lawsuits this year because they're seizing up and failing. Without the same power and intensity behind the 'I'm not Trump' campaign pitch, Democrats have nothing else of substance to offer undecided voters, and so they're moving to Donald Trump. 

One more note about the NBC poll released Sunday showing the race a tie. A month ago, they had Harris up 5. But that's not the telling number. Here's Steve Kornacki with the dagger. 

Just last month, Kamala Harris was beating Donald Trump on the favorability question by a net of 16 points (her +3 versus his -13). A month later, which now includes into the mix a slew of disastrous interviews by Harris and a whole bunch of rallies by Trump, along with surviving two assassination attempts, NBC's new favorability index shows Trump still losing, but only by two points. Again, RCP's average is Harris +7.4. If NBC is accurate and closer to Harris +2, in an electorate Gallup has at R+1, well, it is Monday after all. It might be time to invoke the ghost of the Late Don Meredith. 



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