
So It's Kamala, You Say?

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

I know what the left is trying to convince both themselves and the rest of the country - Kamala Harris is a gamechanger and has reset this election cycle. Sorry, not buying it, for a whole host of reasons. 

I accept the caution from many on the right about getting too overconfident. I really do. But Kamala Harris hasn't been coronated, she has been fitted with an ankle monitor. 

Frank Bruni wrote a column in the New York Times Monday morning that claims, "What Joe Biden Just Did Is Utterly Extraordinary." Jon Meacham, Biden's speechwriter, went even further. "Joe Biden, My Friend and an American Hero." It's nonsense. 

If Joe Biden were to do a heroically selfless act, he would have not only quit the campaign, he would have announced he's resigning from office and leaving the White House immediately. Kamala Harris would then assume the presidency, and have a much more legitimate claim to make for the nomination of the party. She would be in charge of everything, and be able to set her own policy agenda, and separate, if necessary, from Biden's administration. In short, she would be able to run her own campaign, for good or bad. 

Instead, Joe Biden has presented the Democrats with the worst of all possible worlds. He's served up an excrement sandwich to his vice president and told her to enjoy it. She remains the VP. She gets credit when things go right. As of this writing, we're still waiting for that scenario to play out for the first time. She gets co-blame for one disastrous decision after another, even though she's largely been an irrelevant figure the last four years. 

Let's assume that Joe Biden makes it to the end of his term, which is a very iffy proposition. As of Monday, there has been no sight or sound of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. The resignation letter from the campaign was digitally signed, and unlike the address from Lyndon Baines Johnson, an Oval Office stemwinder about the status of the war in Vietnam with the aside inserted that, "if nominated, I shall not accept, if elected, I shall not serve," there was no proof of life out of Rehoboth, if you will. I understand he's being treated for symptomatic COVID. The note from his doctor said he's had eight Plaxovid injections to combat the virus. That sounds like a lot. His voice is allegedly hoarse, he has a bad cough, and he may not look very good right now. But this is the most significant letter of his presidency, and there's not even a still shot of him signing it at his desk in Rehoboth, even if he's wearing his bunny slippers and a robe? 

The underlying problem, of course, is that the credibility of the Bidens and the Biden White House is all used up. Everyone from his spouse through his vice president, cabinet, communications team at the White House, campaign staff, and the regime media, have spent the better part of four years lying to you about the President's medical condition and slandering you as a cheap fake if you report anything to the contrary. Now we learn the big lie has been going on for a longer time than previously thought. In the Wall Street Journal Monday morning, five journalists combined sources and penned a lengthy insider piece that the mental decline of Joe Biden goes back to his first year in office

In 30 minutes of remarks on Capitol Hill, Biden had spoken disjointedly and failed to make a concrete ask of lawmakers, according to Democrats in the room. After he left, a visibly frustrated Pelosi told the group she would articulate what Biden had been trying to say, one lawmaker said. 

“It was the first time I remember people pretty jarred by what they had seen,” recalled Rep. Dean Phillips (D., Minn.), who would go on to mount an unsuccessful primary challenge against the president. 

That was October 2021. That month was the last time Biden met with the House Democratic caucus on the Hill regarding legislation.

They knew. They all knew. And they've known for years, and covered it up until Joe Biden uncovered it himself at the debate for all the world to see. Dr. Jill is the enabler-in-chief, but she could not pull it off by herself without a dedicated vice-enabler-in-chief. Here's Kamala Harris.

My problem with the sparse reporting we're getting out of Delaware is that they're coming from the same crowd, including the doctor, who have lied to us and perpetuated a fraud for over three years. Why in the world would we believe what they're telling us now about the President's condition? Who's actually running the country? 

Late last week, the Houthis sent a drone that buzzed the U.S. Consulate in Tel Aviv, killing one, injuring several others. Israel responded by blowing up everything of value in the port of Hodeida. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and the Black man at the Pentagon Joe Biden can't seem to remember did not say a word about it. Nothing. For nine months, Joe Biden promised the Israelis that we would handle the Houthis. We didn't. Israel did. Another epic failure of Biden foreign policy. Where exactly is the President, and why is he not able to communicate directly about anything?

Bret Baier and Dana Perino on Fox News noted the weirdness surrounding the absence of Joe Biden from the stage. Even with COVID, especially after fighting the perception that he's weak and infirm, you'd think Joe Biden would want to get out in front of this if he could. Instead, the Weekend At Bernie's meme surfaced. 

And if this weren't an odd enough angle to the story, CBS News' Nancy Cordes reports that Biden's brother, Frank, is so worried about Joe that he just wants to spend 'whatever time he has left' with him. 

The White House pushed back on this report, labeling Frank Biden an alcoholic that nobody talks to anymore. When's the last time Joe Biden tolerated anyone attacking his family, let alone from within his own White House? It's never happened. So where exactly is Joe and is he really up to speed on anything? 

Back to the time bomb he handed Kamala Harris. By Biden remaining in office, his past 3.5 years are a terrific indicator of the next few months. If a bad policy decision can be made, or a wrong choice could be chosen, Joe will pick it 100% of the time. That means that Kamala Harris, his vice president, will have to support every future bad policy or wrong decision, and continue to claim that Joe is fit enough to remain president, which everyone in America knows is a lie. She's forced to walk a plank out of loyalty with absolutely no benefit to her, shredding her own credibility in the process. 

If she were to deviate from Joe Biden on policy or tactics, well, that would certainly be an awkward last few months as a governing team, wouldn't it? So she's forced to run the campaign Joe Biden would have run himself if he weren't Methuselah's uncle. 

And then there is the Kamala Harris that we've all come to know as vice president. I'm from California, so I knew all about her previous stints as Attorney General and Senator. She has absolutely no discernible skill set, political acumen, or likeability. She possesses only one trait that a politician needs - ruthless ambition. That, she retains in endless supply. I thought back in 2020 that she'd be able to snow the media, and her ambition alone would win her the nomination. She never made it to the Iowa Caucus, becoming the first player in the Democratic field to bail out. She was simply awful on the stump. 

Since becoming Vice President, I've collected video clips of her, mostly for entertainment value. She brings nothing to the administration except embarrassment, and therefore is never taken seriously, which makes mocking her famous full-paragraph palindromes endlessly fun to mock. 

But now, she's apparently going to be given the nomination, one for which she did not campaign, by acclimation. I went back to my library to see how much I had on her. I stopped counting at around 175 and started making montages. I could make a dozen of them, easily. Here's the first three. 

And I'm just a dopey radio producer. Imagine what'll happen when people with serious resources go to work on her. She's going to get branded as the laughing stock she is before she figures out what exactly she has to defend of Biden's record. 

No, Joe wasn't heroic, patriotic, decent, or even nice. He gave back to the Democratic apparatchiks as good as he got over the last couple weeks. He handed them a doomed candidate with nowhere else to turn and not enough time to do anything about it. 

And as a Christian, I continue to pray for the President. As a Republican, I'd be lying if I didn't admit all this were rather enjoyable to watch as the Democratic Party disintegrates before our very eyes. In my best Don Adams voice ... 

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