
That Time When Ironclad Support Became Go Ahead In 24 Hours

AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi

On Saturday night, we saw something extraordinary take place. Iran threw everything they had (including the kitchen sink), in the form of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones. Only one projectile landed in a remote area, and only one 10-year old girl that didn't heed the warning to get to a shelter was hurt. Had she obeyed the warning, there would have been zero casualties. Joe Biden thinks he gets credit for military anti-missile shootdowns across the Gulf, and the U.S. Military does indeed deserve a lot of credit. The Israelis' anti-missile Arrow II and Arrow III programs also worked flawlessly on the inbound ballistic missiles. And joint Israeli-Coalition fighter aircraft made mincemeat out of the drones. But that kind of defensive kill rate? That's hand of God stuff, to be honest. In the fog of war covering several hours overnight, for there to be one defensive weapon not misfiring, not to miss a single target and prevent even one projectile get through in a populated area? Miraculous.

Now that the first direct attack on Israel by Iran in modern history has taken place, two immediate questions need to be answered. First, did Joe Biden actually greenlight the attack in some sort of real world game of Stratego in order to appease the anti-Semite Democratic Party voters in Michigan? And second, will Israel respond? And if so, how? 

Marco Rubio, the ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, appeared on CNN's Sunday show, State of the Union, with Jake Tapper. What he indicated should disturb every American. 

So far, Rubio is the only American politician making that accusation, and it's one, if true, that is explosive. Did Joe Biden actually greenlight the attack, just a day or two after publicly stating not only that our support for Israel would be ironclad, but also after dusting off the "Don't, don't, don't, don't," faux deterrence rhetoric that didn't work in Ukraine, either? The Jerusalem Post thinks so.

So when Joe Biden says, "Don't", he seems to have meant go ahead, within certain limits. This is Joe Biden's Democratic Party two-state electoral solution. The anti-Semitic protesters in Ann Abor at the University of Michigan gett juiced that Iran was striking Israel. The voters that care about Israel in the Democratic Party, Biden apparently believes, are stupid enough to think Biden said ironclad, so he must mean it. 

If you want to hear what the heart of the Democratic Party thinks about Iran and their role in the Middle East, here is Ben Rhodes as the Iran attack was unfolding. Keep in mind, this is Barack Obama's guy that gave us the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal in the first place.

The President was allegedly going to address the country after the attack, but chose not to. Instead, he inflicted Press co-Secretary John Kirby on the Sunday shows, performing the full Ginsberg - all five Sunday shows in the same morning. From ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos:

So that was the super genius plan all along? Tell Iran to go ahead in order to keep the anti-Israel wing happy, but look how well we shot down the attack in order to placate the Jews in America? From CNN's State of the Union w/Jake Tapper:

The President keeps his word, does he? Ironclad Joe makes it 24 hours before giving Iran permission to launch within limits, tells Israel to not be concerned, that we'll just shoot them all down, but Iran has to be allowed to respond? This is just reckless lunacy. And I can't say this enough. This global wargame theory, if it is all true, is being done so that Joe Biden can appease both wings of his Democratic base that care about the Middle East, but vote very differently, depending on whether they're pro or anti-Israel. 

And the Biden wargame theory concludes by the White House immediately pressuring Israel to look the other way, not bother responding, take the win, that this ends here. More Kirby from NBC's Meet the Press with Kristen Welker:

Just ask yourself what other country on Earth would be expected to not respond to an attack of over 330 flying weapons of destruction launched at your country in the middle of the night. None is the correct answer. Israel has to respond. Israel must respond. My sense is that Israel will respond. What will that look like? 

At the very least, Iran's air defense systems have to be destroyed, their gasoline refining capacity needs to be reduced to zero. Their nuclear program must be pummeled again and again, and before the dust settles, one more time for good measure. And if there's any Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps targets inside Iran, you've got to think those would be at a premium for airstrikes. 

Dr. Michael Oren, the former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, was on Hugh Hewitt's radio program to start the week, and had this to say about what's next. 

MO: Well, good to be with you as always, Hugh. Israel should do three things. One, Israel should mount an international diplomatic effort to galvanize a front against Iran, to expose the fact that Iran is the source of instability, violence, war in the Middle East. It’s now been, the veil has been lifted, and we should take advantage of this moment. It’s an extraordinary moment, in that way. Secondly, we should change the rules of the game. I can’t stress this enough. For the last 15-20 years, the United States, Israel, we’ve all been playing by the Iranian rules. What are those rules? Iran should get its proxies to shoot at us, and we shoot back at the proxies. And for Israel, it’s a terrible game, because the proxies hide behind their civilian population, and we get branded as war criminals. And every single round, Iran gets away Scot free, without a scratch. That’s got to stop. Now, every bullet, every bomb that comes across our border, we exact a price from Iran, and only from Iran. Thirdly, Israel has to maintain its deterrent power. You cannot build deterrence power solely on defense. You can’t win a football game only with a defensive line, true?

HH: Yeah. 

MO: You have to have an offense. And every country in the world has to understand that if they’re going to fire 350 projectiles at us, and if even one of them had gotten through, it could have killed thousands of people. That’s a level of aggression that cannot go unanswered. And I appreciate that the United States, and certainly this administration doesn’t want to get dragged into a regional war. And you should know historically, the United States has really never given Israel a green light for counteroffensive action, almost never. And so it’s not unique to this administration. But we can’t do that. We can’t afford to do that. There has to be deterrence.

Sen. Rubio also said Israel has to respond, or else it just encourages Iran. 

It comes down to this. In what is apparently my weekly reminder of how jacked up the Democratic Party is, morality-wise, in 2024, the only North Star of sanity on the Israel issue remains to be Pennsylvania's John Fetterman. 

John Kirby continued to push back at the obvious notion of money being fungible, that relief money sent to Iran for humanitarian aid frees up resources that Iran would otherwise have to spend on humanitarian purposes is now freed up for partially-functioning missiles. This was with Shannon Bream on Fox News Sunday:


You have to have Trump Derangement Syndrome awfully bad in order to believe anything we're seeing play out in the Middle East currently as being the fault of Donald Trump. This is Joe Biden's war. And it's only just begun, to quote the Richard and Karen Carpenter. The damage, the potential inflation caused by oil markets reacting to the instability by rising prices of crude if those refineries are destroyed, the human carnage, all that is going to come down on Joe Biden's head. When Joe Biden put his shaky hand on the Bible and took the oath on January 20th, 2021, Iran had less than $4 billion as a country in cash reserves, no international trading partners, embargoes that were in full effect and literally starving the regime to death. There were increasing protests in the streets as Iranian citizens had enough of this government. 

Joe Biden helped quash the second coming of the Green Revolution, just as his mentor, Barack Obama, did to the first Green Revolution in 2009. He freed up money and resources to the Iranian regime, and more importantly, gave them legitimacy by negotiating with them. He totally ignored the protesters in the streets, and left them there to die once the inevitable crackdown by the IRGC came. 

Joe Biden has often claimed that he stands behind no one in the Congress in his support of Israel. As with virtually everything else that comes out of Biden's mouth, the facts prove his words to be a lie. 

By comparison, Donald Trump held a rally near Allentown, Pennsylvania, Saturday night, just a little bit north of the Philly suburbs that have an awful lot of Jewish-Americans residing there. Here's how the former President reacted to news of the strike on Israel by Iran. 

A vote this fall for Donald Trump is a vote to support Israel. A vote for Joe Biden is a vote to keep Iran afloat. Take the win. 

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John Stossel 8:30 AM | February 09, 2025