
Joe Biden: Nowhere Man

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

It's been said for years by the Boss on this site. Joe Biden is 20 pounds of fertilizer in a 10-pound bag. The President has embellished virtually every facet of his biography when he's not making up events out of whole cloth.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger, or Seneca, was a Roman philosopher around the time of Jesus. He was born in Spain, educated and trained in Rome, exiled to Corsica, and then ended up becoming a mentor, of sorts, to Nero. He had a saying about people who travelled all the time - To be everywhere is to be nowhere. Joe Biden certainly has given that new meaning.

There have been dozens of times Joe Biden claimed he traveled 17,000 miles with Chinese Communist Party Secretary-General Xi Jinping, including a trip to the Tibetan Plateau. He did no such thing. He met with Xi three times, including once around 50 miles outside of Beijing. The miles traveled, even if you include the trip to China and back, isn't anywhere close to 17,000. Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post fact-checker, took a brief respite from his usual beat of only fact-checking Republicans to address this lie, mainly because of the sheer quantity of times Biden told the story on the 2020 campaign trail. A month after Biden was inaugurated as the 46th president, Kessler had seen enough, and gave Biden three Pinocchio's for the fable.  

Did that slow down Biden? Of course, not. The older Joe Biden gets, the more delusional he is with his own chronological timeline, and the stories Biden himself disavowed after being caught get resurrected like Lazarus in speech after slurred speech. 

This particular story, the 17,000 miles and the Tibetan Plateau with Xi story is so egregious, Kessler had to revisit the lie and recalibrate his ranking. After the first fact-check, Biden continued to use the debunked tale as part of his own personal greatest hits compilation, deploying it in speeches and events almost two dozen times by the end of 2022. Kessler had seen more than enough, and upped the score to Endless Pinocchio's

Did the Pinocchio upgrade slow down Joe Biden? No. Age and infirmity have slowed down Biden, but the stream of lies have continued unabated. Most recently, Joe Bidenopoulos, his annual statement that he's for all intents and purposes Greek, brought out the Tibetan Plateau lie again.

While Seneca's point was that a man who spends all his time on the road doesn't really have a home, because he's not there to establish roots. But what about the man who really didn't go anywhere growing up, and yet still can't seem to get a handle on where he came from? 

I mentioned this most recent appearance by Joe Biden at his annual Greek Independence Day event at the White House. Every year, Biden comes out and gives himself a nickname he claims Greek straw men used, which of course is not true. It's like the Groundhog Day of Greek B.S. 

The oppo research department of the Republican National Committee had a little fun at the President's expense over the weekend, coming up with a wonderful montage of Joe Biden's neighborhood growing up, in his own words. Enjoy.

That's an impressive neighborhood of Delaware/Pennsylvania, being majority Irish, Catholic, Puerto Rican, Persian, Greek, Jewish, Italian, Polish, Palestinian, and Black. And that doesn't even include the 7-11's that dot the landscape in towns in both states that only hire people with a slight Indian accent. Don't believe me. That's what Joe Biden thinks and says. He has no filter, so if he thinks it, he says it. 

Johnny Cash had a famous song called "I've Been Everywhere", which is an ode to being on the road traveling. In two minutes, forty-five seconds, the North American version of the song (yes, there are covers that are Australia-centric, Western Australia, Great Britain and Ireland, and a version solely within Texas), names 91 cities and/or states, including three in Central America, and five in South America. It's a fun song, and I'm sure Joe Biden would love for you to believe he's been to all of those places at one time or another, and met all the important people there, and that helped shape his view of the world. 

Instead of Johnny Cash, I submit that Joe Biden is more like the Beatles' Nowhere Man. 

Doesn't have a point of view
Knows not where he's going to
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
He's as blind as he can be
Just sees what he wants to see
Nowhere man, can you see me at all?

I'm sure at one point in his long, long political career, Joe Biden thought he was being folksy with all these stories. Flash them the million dollar smile, embellish the stories, really sell them as though they might be true, and the Biden of old can endear himself to every possible constituency group out there. 

Today's Joe Biden? The winsomeness, along with most of his mental acuity, has withered. On his bad days, this is what you get out of the President. 

That was from last week from the site formerly known as what Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre calls it, the Francis Scott King Bridge. He's just an incoherent mess. 

The worst of Joe Biden is when he sells out Israel, getting on the phone with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, ordering our only democratic ally in the Middle East, one who was attacked ruthlessly by an enemy of terrorists who declared war on them, to end this now, or else. 

Keep in mind Israel did not put a time limit on support for the United States at any point in the 20-plus years of the Global War On Terror. 

Biden couldn't even make the case himself for back stabbing Israel. He is either too cowardly, too feeble, or both. Instead, selling out the Jews was left to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and co-Press Secretary John Kirby. 

There is virtually nothing that can be said to redeem the character and soul of Antony Blinken. The only equivalence that can be made between the Israelis in the War Cabinet and Hamas are they're in fairly close proximity. That's it. Blinken is equating the prosecution of rooting out and killing terrorists with those that carried out premeditated rapes, stabbings, shootings, burning alive of babies, and kidnapping. To make a moral equivalence there is evil, vile and repugnant. For Blinken to go to NATO and compare the Israel war effort to the terrorist attack by Hamas would be like Neville Chamberlain's Foreign Secretary giving a speech saying Hitler had a point about the Jews. It's beyond disgusting. 

Again, no statement, no address by the President of the United States on a policy change of this magnitude. Kirby went on Fox's The Story on Friday with Martha MacCallum, and when pressed on the hypocrisy of Team Biden holding Israel accountable for the mistaken attack on the WCK convoy versus the family of 10 Joe Biden wiped out by a mistaken Tomahawk missile strike in Afghanistan, said this. 

Yes, they were different events. So were the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Both were different events. They were also very similar. The mistakes in the fog of war can be applied to both the WCK attack and the Afghani family attack. Kirby's defense here is weak. 

Here's the nitty gritty. In the history of modern warfare, which is war since the Korean War in 1950-1952, the average casualty ratio of combatants-to-civilians is around 1:9. Here's Avi Mayer, the former editor-in-chief of the Jerusalem Post.

By comparison, the casualty ratio of combatants to civilians in Iraq was around 1:4.5. 

Maybe Nowhere Man should spend a little more time getting his own house in order before giving oxygen to anti-Semitic voices in his own party in a play for votes out of Michigan.  

Correction, 4/9: Kirby appeared on Fox's The Story on Friday with Martha McCallum, not Fox News Sunday. The change has been made above. 

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