
Joe Biden's Challenge On Israel Accepted

Debbie Hill, Pool via AP

Joe Biden's State of the Union speech last Thursday continues to resonate in how bad it was both on substance as well as delivery. 

One moment during his five-minute-plus section on the Israel-Hamas war, he indignantly made the following claim. 

No one has a stronger record on Israel than I do. I challenge any of you here.

Joe Biden has been a staunch supporter of Israel for much of his political life. That much is certainly true. As for comparing himself to anyone else in the room on his defense of Israel, he takes a back seat to several hundred that have not turned against Israel as Biden has since becoming president. 

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, along with Elan Carr, the CEO of the Israeli-American Council, penned a lengthy piece for the Hudson Institute in August of 2023, or about six weeks before Hamas conducted the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust on October 7th. 

It is a damning indictment of Joe Biden's marked turn against the state of Israel for political purposes to appease a growing anti-Israel sentiment within the Democratic Party. The turn began less than a month after taking the oath of office. 

...the administration announced plans to rejoin the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). The Council has made Israel-bashing a primary focus, racking up over 100 condemnations of that one country in 17 years—roughly the same number as for all other countries combined.

Two months later, the Biden State Department changed Trump Administration policy, re-designating Judea, Samaria, and parts of Jerusalem as "occupied territory". The designation, regardless of its intentions, undergirds the anti-Semitic tropes we're seeing play out with the anti-Semitic protesters calling Israel the bad actors in this war, not the Hamas terrorists who killed, raped, and kidnapped over a thousand Jews. This designation gives people like Rashida Tlaib and Ilham Omar cover fire. 

One month later, the Biden White House restored $250 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority, which simultaneously maintained a "martyrs fund" for families of those who got themselves killed committing acts of terrorism so long as they killed some Jews in the process. We were in essence resupplying that martyrs fund at Biden's direction.

Again, from the Pompeo/Carr piece in Hudson,

In June, the Biden administration ended U.S. scientific and technological cooperation with Israeli entities in the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and parts of Jerusalem. Calling those territories “occupied” is bad enough; boycotting them is another matter. Economic boycotts of Jewish communities, an age-old anti-Semitic tactic, find new expression in the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement, or BDS. President Biden claims to oppose BDS and, in a joint declaration with then–Prime Minister Yair Lapid in July 2022, pledged to “work together to combat all efforts to boycott or delegitimize Israel.” Less than a year later, President Biden reinstated such a boycott, thereby legitimizing the malignant BDS campaign.

Month after month, for three years, Joe Biden has said he supports and defends Israel, while his actions do nothing but undermine it. I have jokingly referred to Biden as attempting the two-state solution with the Democratic Party, and it's not working there, either, making the idea of that policy working internationally in the Middle East fantasy. 

During an interview over the weekend with Jonathan Capehart of NBC News and the Washington Post, Joe Biden walked himself into a box canyon, realized it, and floundered trying to find his way out of it.

Biden says invading Rafah is a red line, but he's never leaving Israel...unless the polling in Michigan gets worse. He can't explain what the red line is, other than to say we can't have another 30,000 dead Palestinians. Here's the problem. He's using the casualty numbers from Hamas' Health Ministry. That's like accepting COVID numbers from the Chinese Communist Party. That's like accepting Vladimir Putin's war assessment in Ukraine. That's like accepting Baghdad Bob's claim that Iraq is defeating the U.S. Coalition tanks were entering the outer perimeters of Baghdad. It's a nonsensical number, yet Joe Biden, the staunch defender of Israel, is taking for granted the propaganda offered by a terrorist entity sworn to wipe Israel off the map. 

Even his own Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, just last week had to clean up testimony given to the House Armed Services Committee. He was asked how many Palestinians had been killed since 10/7 and replied the number was north of 25,000. By the end of the day, the Pentagon press office issued a clarification that the actual number was unknown and that the 25,000 number came from the Hamas Health Ministry, which is unreliable at best. Yet here is the American president accepting Hamas propaganda to affect his policy towards the war without the White House correcting him later?

No, they're not correcting him. In fact, for the start of Ramadan, the White House issued this statement. 

After the President used Hamas' Health Ministry numbers, which include, by the way, 13,000 Hamas terrorists Israel has killed thus far in the war, and thousands of dead Palestinians killed by Hamas rockets that misfired and fell short of their goal of Jewish neighborhoods. To Hamas, there's no difference between a dead Hamas terrorist and a Gazan Palestinian. But the White House, unlike the Pentagon after Secretary Austin's comments, didn't clean up after Biden. They're amplifying the propaganda. 

As red lines go, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in an interview with Politico's Axel Springer, has apparently told Biden to go do something to himself that's anatomically impossible. 

Back to the Biden cut, though, he went on to say pursuing Osama bin Laden was a mistake, as was going into Iraq and Afghanistan. There certainly is a lot of armchair quarterbacking about Iraq, to be sure. But at the time, with the intelligence that we had, along with virtually every other Western intelligence service, was that Saddam Hussein was actively pursuing nuclear weapons with the means of using them. George W. Bush, acting on his 9/11-inspired doctrine of preemption, said never again on my watch were we going to be attacked like this. 

But again, the debate can be had over Iraq. Afghanistan? Pursuing bin Laden? A mistake? Biden infamously was the voice of hesitation as vice president to Barack Obama when faced with the option of whether to take out bin Laden in the Abbottabad raid in Pakistan. Biden, like bin Laden, was on the wrong side of history. Biden's turning against Israel continued with Jonathan Capehart.

When asked whether Hamas wants a ceasefire, Biden slipped and actually said the truth, and then immediately tried to correct the political damage he foresaw by saying that truth. Hamas wants a ceasefire so they have a better chance to survive. Yes, that's true. Hamas wants to survive. Ilhan Omar wants Hamas to survive and be able to kill Jews another day. Rashida Tlaib wants Hamas to survive. Ayatollah Khamenei wants Hamas to survive. And so does Joe Biden. The President got one more sentence into his answer, realized he just made the case against his desire for a ceasefire jammed down Israel's throat for his own political interests in Michigan and tried to cover it up with a smokescreen. He tried to spin the joint bombing campaign of the U.S. and Great Britain in Dresden in World War II as a mistake that caused a change in the rules of war. You'll be surprised to learn that people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki would love to know about that change in the rules of war. 

The ironic part of Joe Biden's turning away from Israel is it led directly to the war that is causing protests to follow his administration at every event. Kamala Harris got heckled by ceasefire protesters in Las Vegas over the weekend. The President's motorcade had to do a workaround on the way to the Capitol for the State of the Union, causing him to be late for the speech, because protesters blocked Constitution Ave. The war could not have and would not have started unless Iran blessed it, funded it, and provided weaponry to Hamas to use against Israel. Iran had less than $4 billion dollars in cash reserves as a country at the end of the Trump administration because of withering and crippling sanctions. Biden lifted all those during his first year of office, causing money to flow inward to Tehran, and subsequently outward to Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis in Yemen, and every other terrorist proxy around the Middle East. 

Now that the war is ongoing, and Biden is getting pounded by a third of his political base for his state support of Israel, he's trying to find a way to force Israel to stop fighting. Why? The convention is coming to Chicago. Even James Carville a month ago said he feared what that would look like if the war was still going on.

If the timing is Biden's biggest concern, perhaps not impeding Israel every step of the way might have sped things along, and Hamas would already be destroyed by now. By his actions to delay Israel from prosecuting its own war on terror, he's only ensuring that the war will still be ongoing during the convention. 

As for his stated defense of Israel and wanting to compare his record with anybody, I can name several hundred American politicians who have not called for a ceasefire that by his definition would allow terrorists to survive. I used to think that the most anti-Israel president in my lifetime was Barack Obama. Three-plus years into the Biden administration, the evidence would suggest that Biden has actually been worse by speaking one way, and acting another way. At least with Obama, you knew he was anti-Israel. With Biden, you have to do some research to learn he's lying when he says he supports the only democracy in the Middle East. And he's lying to save his political career, which is about as vile a reason as you can have for turning your back. 

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John Stossel 8:30 AM | March 09, 2025