
Sheldon Whitehouse: Some women are just too accomplished to be listened to

Tom Williams/Pool via AP

The left truly is a spectacle to behold these days. In just one week, this week, the president of the United States looked at a Muslim judge of Pakistani descent that he appointed to the federal bench, and said, “Hush up, boy,” because he spoke out of turn. In the Senate Judiciary Committee, Democrats are tripping all over themselves to remind people that their position is you can only be a successful and respected black Supreme Court justice if you’re liberal. The current Interior Secretary, Deb Haaland, just testified under oath to Missouri Senator Josh Hawley Tuesday that there are too many blue-collar jobs here, so why shouldn’t China get the rest of them?

And the open bigotry being displayed, unless the person in question toes the liberal ideological line, isn’t just race-based. If you’re a woman (a real one, not one that has a Y-chromosome and identifies as a woman in order to set athletic records and win poker tournaments) and you happen to be conservative, well, you pretty much are persona non grata with today’s Democratic Party as well.

At a hearing Wednesday in front of the Senate Environment Committee, junior member Sheldon Whitehouse, junior in every intelligent aspect of the word, had in front of him a panelist offered up by the Senate Republicans. Her name is Diana Furchtgott-Roth, an economist of notable repute. Here’s a list of what Ms. Furchtgott-Roth has done with her life thus far. After moving to America at the age of 9, she eventually earned a bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania, moved back to England and received a Masters in Philosophy in economics from Oxford. She was on Ronald Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisors in 1986. She was associate director of the Office of Policy Planning at the State Department for George H.W. Bush, and also concurrently served as deputy executive director of the White House Domestic Policy Council. She was a resident fellow and assistant to the president for almost a decade at the American Enterprise Institute. She went back into public service with George W. Bush’s administration, serving as chief of staff of his Council of Economic Advisors. She would also serve as the chief economist for the Department of Labor during this time. She was a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute. She went back into public service as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology at the United States Department of Transportation, which was a position she took after serving as Acting Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy at the U.S. Department of the Treasury. She’s an adjunct professor at George Washington University, currently directs the Center on Energy, Climate, and Environment at the Heritage Foundation, has written seven books, and is the mother of six children.

So when she sat down to offer up testimony looking into the budgetary requirements as it pertains to the environment of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sheldon Whitehouse offered up this preemptive disclaimer of why her advice should not be heeded. In short, she’s too accomplished.

We’ll get to Ms. Furchtgott-Roth’s response, which was epic, and why she was loaded for bear and apparently waiting to spring the trap, in a minute. But first, let’s just ponder the premise of the Whitehouse attack – she’s too accomplished to be listened to. It’s really nothing different than the left’s feeble attack in the Senate Judiciary Committee a few years ago on now-Justice Amy Coney Barrett. They couldn’t really go after her scholarly work, though they tried. They attacked Justice Barrett because her family was too large, and that she’d be too distracted to be able to do her job. They criticized her adopting kids. None of it worked. They basically just hated her because she was an accomplished woman, something every feminist in America has claimed they’ve wanted for generations (except for the whole conservative part, which they despise above all else). Leftists really do not want their pet voting blocs, whether they be black, brown, male, female, gay, straight, whatever, to succeed if they turn out to be thinking conservatives. Their idea of success is individuals falling into line, parroting the pre-approved talking points, and submitting to the liberals in charge of the government.

It’s condescending, and should outrage every successful woman in America, regardless of their ideological background. Imagine for a moment if a case were to come before the Supreme Court and Paul Clement, the nation’s most successful living Supreme Court litigator, rose to address the Nine, and Sonia Sotomayor were to interject and say something like, ‘Sit down, Paulie. You’ve been here way too much lately, and you’ve won too much. Go away and give someone else a chance.’ That’s essentially what Senator Whitehouse is telling Ms. Furchtgott-Roth. It’s beyond disgusting.

Her response was everything we Republicans love about the populist side of the conservative movement. We’re not just willing to take the slings and arrows anymore and look the other way in order to stay above the fray. We fight back, and we bring the receipts when we do. That’s the added benefit of being under constant assault from both elected Democrats and their regime media attack dogs for so long. We’ve learned how to fight in order to survive in this political landscape. Notice that when she served up a steaming bowl of Look In The Mirror stew to Whitehouse, he had nothing, literally nothing to say in response to it. The left really doesn’t know how to fight. They’ve not had to be a position requiring them to do so for a very long time. They certainly know how to bully with the best of them, because they always have numbers on their side, especially when you include media. But when they never have to answer for their own hypocrisy, never have to defend their positions against common sense and logic, they get intellectually fat and lazy. In Whitehouse’s case, he never was all that bright in the first place, so intellectual atrophy is unusually pronounced in his case.

So why did it seem like Diana Furchtgott-Roth was ready for the attack? How was it that she seemed to have the counterpunches to Sheldon Whitehouse committed to memory, as if she couldn’t believe the good fortune that had come her way? Because this isn’t the first time Whitehouse has attacked her, and it’s not even the first time he’s attacked her on this same charge.

The Washington Examiner’s Scrapbook recounts an exchange from a Senate Budget Committee hearing back in April of 2014 between Sheldon Whitehouse and Diana Furchtgott-Roth. Here’s just a bit of that exchange:

You might think a Budget Committee hearing on economic growth and tax reform would be of interest to a senator whose state, at 9 percent, leads the pack in unemployment. But instead of using his time for any constructive purpose, Whitehouse chose to express pique that Furchtgott-Roth had testified too many times for his liking on Capitol Hill. He proceeded to read off a list of 17 committee and subcommittee hearings, at which she has spoken during her decades in Washington, and with each, the subject of her testimony. Furchtgott-Roth, former chief economist at the Department of Labor and the author of five books, tried to deflect this condescending exercise with humor. “Oh dear,” she said, “you’re showing everybody how old I am.” But Whitehouse, unrelenting, went on, stressing that she had always appeared as a Republican witness (duh) and asking with heavy sarcasm, “Is there any area where you won’t testify?”

Think that bit from 9 years ago didn’t stick in Diana’s craw? She knew she was going to testify in front of him again this week. Think she didn’t relish the chance to strike if he was stupid enough to try it again? Of course, she prepared. She’s a professional. Whitehouse? Not so much. As the saying goes, if you were to look into his eyes, you’d see clear through to the back of his skull. Whitehouse sees a conservative in front of him, any conservative, and he immediately consults the map inside his head to check where this person is located.

If women truly want to be successful going down whichever path they choose, and be happy in the process, being enslaved by the Democratic Party hive mind is not the way to do it. You’re not allowed to possess free thought outside of the liberal orthodoxy. If you’re truly a feminist, your place is within the Republican Party.

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