Nancy Pelosi: We Democrats certainly never treated President Bush this way

Democrats are looking to President Obama to really help kick the populist agenda they have been re-devising for the 2014 campaign season into high gear with his address this evening, and in previewing the SOTU on MSNBC this morning, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was really in her element, hitting all of the latest “obstructionist,” “income inequality opportunity gap,”  “executive action” talking points like so many carefully concocted whack-a-moles. That it always and necessarily takes two parties to tango is a piece of logic that never seems to enter into that kind of woe-is-us, nobody-else-has-ever-had-to-deal-with-a-divided-government brand of thinking:


The point is that, since that time, under President Obama’s administration, we have eight million jobs created… We have an opportunity gap that the president will be addressing, but let’s remember where we were and how far we have come from the Bush economic policies to where we are now. … The point is, what is happening here now, and let’s, since you’re trying to analyze it, is we have a large segment of the Republican party that is anti-government. We don’t want any more government than we need, but they’re anti-government, anti-science, and anti-Obama. They have a trifecta that is going. I say to the Republicans, take back your party. …To obstruct every initiative that the president has put forth on jobs and say, ‘Why don’t we have more jobs?’ Well, we do have more jobs, but no thanks to the Congress of the United States. … We did not treat President Bush this way. … This obstruction to President Obama is something quite stunning, and something quite different.


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