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Welcome to our VIP feature for Hot Air as well as a members-only show in the Hughniverse! Duane Patterson and I now are doing a Week in Review show for Friday evenings, exclusive to members in both platforms. Duane has been the Generalissimo behind the Hugh Hewitt Show for more than two decades, and we have partnered on weekly commentary since 2007. And don't miss Duane's new podcast series and platform, Duane's World!
What stories topped your priority lists this week? Honestly, our top story this week was the news that Dennis Prager will return in June! Our choice for the most amusing story was NBC's report that the Bidens want to come back to Democrat Party leadership. We also talked about the wave of domestic terrorism targeting Tesla and Tesla owners, and how the media is ducking the Democrats' role in promoting it. We briefly touch on the judiciary, but spend more time on the Democrats' civil war, and Bernie Sanders' call for a progressive revolt.
Be sure to watch it all, and extend the conversation in the comments!