
100 Debates: The Amiable Skeptics Featuring Adam Baldwin!

How many debates will it take to settle the GOP presidential nomination? Adam Baldwin and I spend our 100th episode debating the debates, and wondering how candidates plan to win a race when they’re only barely running.

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Welcome back to our VIP video series “The Amiable Skeptics,” featuring my friend Adam Baldwin! Adam is well-known for his long and storied Hollywood career, starting with My Bodyguard, and especially for his roles in Full Metal Jacket, Firefly, its film sequel SerenityChuck, and The Last Ship.

“They’re not going to catch Secretariat,” Adam says after watching Wednesday’s debate; “Trump is too far out in front.” I don’t disagree, but I reply, “You can’t catch Secretariat if you don’t get in the race in the first place. … If you’re not going to bother to even try to catch up to Secretariat, or compete in the race, why are they there?” Adam and I bat around the potential strategies being used and whether they’ll pay off for any of Donald Trump’s challengers. Plus, both of us were pleasantly surprised at how well the debate was managed and the behavior of the candidates … for the most part. And both of us are pretty sure why — and who — was the cause of the improvement.

Be sure to watch it all, and extend the conversation in the comments!

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