
Courting Trump and the Bidens: The Amiable Skeptics featuring Adam Baldwin!

Will the 2024 election turn into Law and Order: Special Politicians Unit? Adam Baldwin and I discuss and debate the legal and political circuses surrounding the two likely presidential contenders (thus far, anyway). This week the mainstream media finally began scrutinizing the Bidens and the claims of multiple IRS whistleblowers, which tells both of us that this scandal is serious — or that the media and the Left have tired of the Bidens. “They figured out that Joe Biden’s expendable” to the Left, Adam says. “He doesn’t deserve any loyalty, so they can dump him at will.” We also debate who leaked the audio of Donald Trump and continue the argument over his indictment from a previous episode, which means this season of Law and Order: SPU may end up getting picked up next year.

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Welcome back to our VIP video series “The Amiable Skeptics,” featuring my friend Adam Baldwin! Adam is well-known for his long and storied Hollywood career, starting with My Bodyguard, and especially for his roles in Full Metal Jacket, Firefly, its film sequel SerenityChuck, and The Last Ship.

Highlights from today’s episode:

  • “It seems to be steeping out into the the public consciousness,” Adam says, “that there was tens of millions of dollars in bribes paid to and through the sportsman Hunter Biden, and siphoning off stuff to his dad. For what? What did they what were they selling? They were selling access to power, and what sort of contracts were these companies getting? I don’t think we have all of the details on that yet.”
  • Marvel at my mid-podcast slide change!
  • “It’s not just that David Weiss didn’t want to charge things,” I respond. “It’s that the investigation itself slow walked this so badly that it allowed a lot of these potential charges to elapse. It was five years that they were looking into this, right? And they slow walked it. And that’s one of the, that’s the whistleblower number two’s complaint is the slow walking and what was lost because of it.”
  • Where did the money go, Adam asks. “We kind of know what Hunter was spending his money on,” Adam adds, “hookers and blow and travel and all that stuff. What was Joe spending the money on?:
  • “He’s got three houses,” I point out, and none of them cheap. But that’s been true for a long time, I also point out, and yet none of the mainstream media wanted to discuss it, and still aren’t — yet. “Nobody wanted to talk about that until just very recently, when all of a sudden the media seems be interested in it because of whistle blowers.”
  • “And also,” Adam adds, “the window for jettisoning Joe is upon us.”
  • We dig into the leaked audio of Donald Trump at Bedminster as well, and debate whether the leak was a crime — and who did the leaking. I’m betting on Team Trump as the leaker, while Adam leans toward the prosecutors.
  • We don’t agree on its meaning either, but it’s a spirited and fun debate!

Next episode: Adam and I discuss the New York Times/Journal of the American Medical Association reported study on transgenders, suicides, and mental health. Has the tide turned on this issue? We also discuss why keeping the heat on this issue is more important than ever.

Be sure to join the conversation, and join us in the comments!

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