
Off the Beaten Path: SAVE FERRIS! ... and The View?

Is Asa! Fever sweeping the nation? Larry and I take that up and more in today’s episode … but mainly “more.” Larry and I debate the wisdom of Tim Scott’s appearance on The View, which I argue mainly benefits the “stupid circus.” Larry insists that it’s necessary to keep the Left honest, and also to highlight Scott’s remarkable gifts. We also discuss how I may have been the first person to celebrate the day off in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off on Monday, and why my experience was more Office Space. Life comes at you fast, you know …

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Welcome back to our VIP video series “Off the Beaten Path,” featuring my friend Larry O’Connor! The Townhall columnist and Salem News Channel host starts off our week by discussing stories and ideas that may fly under our radar, in culture, politics, sports, and more. Plus, Larry previews tonight’s SNC show!

Highlights on this episode:

  • On the issue of arguing on The View, Larry quotes a saint: “Be careful how you win the argument, because you may win the argument but lose the soul right when you’re when you’re evangelizing.”
  • On the other hand, I quote Bill Murray (which I didn’t remember at the moment) in saying, “It’s difficult to win an argument with a smart person, but it’s damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.” (Not sure if Murray actually said this or that wags on the Internet attributed it to him. As Abraham Lincoln once warned, you can’t just trust what you read on the Internet.)
  • More on point, Larry advocates for Scott as an ambassador to the audiences of the Left. “I think it’s also really good for Tim Scott to go out there and say, no, no, no, you can, you can articulate a message, you can be passionate about it, you can disagree with someone as frankly mean as Sunny Host and and still do it in a loving, compassionate, generous way, in a nice way, without calling names, without even raising your voice.”
  • “But the real history today, at least for people in our generation, not the greatest generation,” Larry says, “is this is the day Ferris Bueller took his day off.” He meant yesterday, which I did take off, but forgot to use SAVE FERRIS! as my autoresponder message.
  • It’s great to unplug, we both agree, but plugging back in is … something else. “Starting fresh the next day is the tough part because for what we do,” Larry says. “It takes so much reading and so much sort of getting a handle on what you miss and where things are headed on stuff that it’s just, it’s a slog.”

As always, we have a blast. Enjoy it all, and join the conversation in the comments!

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