
Bernie spox: The DNC might be plotting to swap out Biden, you know

If you thought the run on toilet paper the past month was amazing, just wait for the popcorn shortages to come if this comes to pass. Last night, Tucker Carlson ripped Democrats for settling on Joe Biden as their presidential nominee, especially given his less-than-confidence-building performances of late. In his monologue on Fox News last night, Carlson openly suggested what many have speculated — that the DNC might replace Biden with a hand-picked nominee, someone who can at least “navigate a salad bar” and “find his car in a three-tiered parking garage.”

When it comes to a “position on the Coronavirus pandemic,” Carlson thinks he knows who the party establishment will choose as a substitute, too:

Just how much crossover do Bernie supporters have with Fox News primetime hosts? Enough that this caught the attention of Sanders’ campaign spokesperson, Briahna Joy Gray. Although immediately after disclaiming Carlson as a “cruel bully,” Gray agreed with Carlson that Biden’s win seems pretty fishy. It’s either a corporate surrender to Donald Trump, Gray argued, or the DNC is plotting a very un-democratic (or un-Democratic, if you will) switcheroo:

Had this coronavirus emerged a year ago — heck, even six months ago — neither Biden nor Bernie would have crossed the finish line, and may not have even hit the starting line. Assuming everything unfolded in more or less the same manner, Andrew Cuomo would have been drafted into the race by popular demand. Cuomo would have easily dominated the primaries because of his commanding media presence, perhaps the only Democrat in the country whose profile even competes with Trump’s bully pulpit at the White House. Biden might have even pulled out himself under those circumstances.

As it is, though, the DNC is stuck. They’ve had half of the states vote for the nominee already, and Cuomo has received precisely zero votes, let alone delegates. They’re stuck with Biden now that Sanders has dropped out, unless they want to touch off a massive internal war by swapping in Cuomo and basically throwing out every vote cast this year in their primaries. Even if Biden chose to withdraw on his own, no one — especially the Bernie supporters — will ever believe it was anything but a set-up job to screw Sanders out of the nomination.

Gray’s tweet shows that BernieWorld will keep a close and suspicious eye on the DNC’s moves, and might revolt if they attempt to rescue themselves from Uncle Joe in his basement. Of course, they might revolt anyway depending on whether Biden can find his way to his car in his own garage. Order your popcorn now before Costco and Sam’s Club runs out.

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