Today's hot topics on Relevant Radio: Hello DC, Benedict XVI letter, deadly meth epidemic, Freedom's Detective, Holy Week movies, and more!

Once again, I get to step outside the box and guest host the Drew Mariani Show on Relevant Radio® from 3-6 ET today! The Catholic talk-radio network is heard nationwide on the air, as well as online and through their free mobile app that plays live and podcast shows.


Today’s Relevant Radio® show includes:

  • Welcome to our listeners in our newest market — Washington DC on AM 1260! I’d love to hear from new Relevant Radio® listeners during today’s show.
  • What did Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI mean when he spoke of the deposit of faith as the Catholic Church’s “important legal asset”? Canon lawyer and CNA analyst Ed Condon joins us to take another look at Benedict’s letter, and to see how some people have missed the convergence of Benedict and Pope Francis on “zero tolerance.”
  • Is the media trying to shape the Democratic primaries? Andrew Malcolm joins me to discuss, as well as catch up to the strange idea of dumping illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities.
  • “It’s cheap, it’s abundant,” and meth is rapidly replacing opioids as the biggest threat to Americans from illegal drugs. Salena Zito has a heartbreaking report on the impact meth is having, and information on its surprising origin.
  • If you think you know about the origins of the Secret Service from The Wild Wild West, think again. The story is if anything even wilder, as Charles Lane tells us in his new book Freedom’s Detective: The Secret Service, the Ku Klux Klan and the Man Who Masterminded America’s First War on Terror. We’ll learn more about Hiram Whitley’s checkered past and how it worked to his advantage in taking on America’s first and perhaps most dangerous terror network.
  • How did Google come to label Unplanned as “propaganda”? We’ll check in on that story with Steven Greydanus, as well as discuss the best films for the Holy Week and Triduum.
  • And more to come … stay tuned!

We may add more before the show starts today, plus we will have the chaplet of Divine Mercy in the second hour. We will also take your calls at 1-888-914-9149You can also listen on the Relevant Radio® app no matter where you are in the world, so download it now. I’ll look forward to talking with you!

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