After perhaps the most personal and bruising election in decades, Donald Trump took the stage to claim victory — and offer a few olive branches. He started off by congratulating Hillary Clinton for “a hard-fought campaign,” and praised her years of public service. Trump then pledged to reach out to the people who didn’t support him and try to unify the nation. “Working together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding the nation,” Trump pledged, “and renewing the American dream.” Trump also committed to renovating America’s infrastructure and revamping its economy, and committed to “partnership, not conflict” with other nations.
The best word for Trump’s tone tonight is probably measured, and perhaps a bit humbled, too. He sounded as genuine as at any point in this campaign when pledging to serve the whole nation’s interests, and even offered some touching gratitude for his family and his key team members. One of the most humorous off-script moments was his introduction of Reince Priebus and his meandering comparison to Secretariat.
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