C-SPAN wake-up call with Hot Air: Washington Journal and Going Red

Looking for a fresh start to the morning? I’ll be on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal today, starting at 8:30 am ET. We’ll be discussing my book, Going Red, as well as the prospects for conservatives in 2016 and beyond after Donald Trump’s nomination. It’ll be a 45-minute segment, which is unusual for most television shows, but it’s what sets Washington Journal apart.


The format will have Pedro Echevarria interviewing me for the first few minutes one-on-one, and then he’ll open the lines to calls. C-SPAN has three lines for incoming calls, one for each of the three main partisan divisions:

  • Independents: (202) 748-8002
  • Outside U.S.: (202) 748-8003
  • Republicans: (202) 748-8001
  • Democrats: (202) 748-8000

Feel free to call in and join the conversation. Just to remind people about the book, here’s an excerpt from the audio book:

And here’s a small excerpt from the print/e-book version:

Kevin Healey expresses similar fears for the future of his four children, two of whom are in college and one of whom will go in the next couple of years. “Being an Irish-born family, my parents always said to me, pay your bills, work hard, and save your money, and things are going to work for you. Well that’s not really the case anymore,” he says. “I saved my money and I worked very hard and I paid my bills, and at the end of the day, I still struggle like anyone else because I get 2 percent on my money at the bank, but I pay 8 percent to Fanny Mae for my kids’ student loans. So I turn around and I say, wow how can this possibly be? Why is it I’m only getting 2 percent but the government is charging me 8? Why can’t they make it more financially feasible for these kids and for us as parents?”

Neil Levesque, executive director of the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College, says this was an issue that Republicans largely ignored in the 2014 midterms, too, to the benefit of Democrats. “We had large groups of college students here who were interested in the student loan issue. And when they identified a candidate who they thought was going to help them on that,” Levesque recalls, “they were going out and working in their office or in the streets.”

Healey is working with his children to pay off their student loans, but he knows that many young people will have to shoulder that burden themselves. “So you have these kids who work hard, go to school, get into college, get a degree, come out with $100,000 in debt, can’t find a job, only to be hit with 8 percent interest and then go into this vicious cycle.” For the upcoming election, Healy is looking at both parties for a solution. “I don’t care if you’re Republican, Democrat, or independent,” he says. “If you start singing my song, I’m going to listen.”

Reprinted (or Adapted) from GOING RED: THE TWO MILLION VOTERS WHO WILL ELECT THE NEXT PRESIDENT—AND HOW CONSERVATIVES CAN WIN THEM Copyright © 2016 by Ed Morrissey, published by Crown Forum, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC.


Going Red can be found in bookstores, or ordered in hardcover, e-book, and audio versions at GoingRedBook.com. Hope you enjoy this start to the morning!

Update: If you missed it, C-SPAN has the entire 45-minute segment available here.

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