Monday TEMS: Guest hosting on Relevant Radio!

Today I get to step outside the box and guest-host for Drew Mariani at Relevant Radio from 3-6 pm ET! The Catholic talk-radio network is heard on over 40 stations nationwide, including affiliates and O&Os in New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago, as well as online and through their free mobile app that plays live and podcasted shows. Today’s show includes:

  • Christopher Kelly, author of America Invades, will discuss Pearl Harbor Day and its continuing significance
  • Is terrorism punishment for defying God’s will? Monsignor Charles Pope will make his case, extending the discussion from his column at the National Catholic Register.
  • Salena Zito talks about her latest column on creating an unbecoming society, prayer shaming by the media, and the role colleges and universities play in it.
  • What is the Catholic response to terrorism? Dr. Andrea Bartoli will discuss further.
  • Joe Pojman of Texas Alliance for Life will bring us up to date on a Texas hospital that is denying care to a man without insurance. RedState has more on this case, and we will dig deeper.

We may add more before the show starts today, plus we will have the chaplet of Divine Mercy. We will also take your calls at 1-877-766-3777You can also listen on the Relevant Radio app no matter where you are in the world, so download it now. I’ll look forward to talking with you!

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